
jueves, mayo 23, 2019

Call for Papers: “Handbook of Climate Change Management: Research, Leadership, Transformation”

The increased frequency and severity of extreme weather and climate impacts around the world suggests that urgent  efforts are needed to better understand and manage such climate phenomena. Importantly, climate change occurs in tandem  with other global mega-trends, including population growth, urbanisation, habitat destruction, resource depletion, pollution of  the oceans, environmental degradation, biodiversity pressures and burgeoning rates of species extinctions, among others. The emergent state of affairs threatens to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and poses unprecedented challenges and opportunities for  practitioners and duty bearers worldwide. Climate change management is therefore appropriately cast as a broad and  inclusive  field of investigation which comprises diverse constituent parts and invites holistic management responses.

It is against this background that we invite suitably qualified experts and project teams to contribute to the "Handbook of Climate Change Management: Research, Leadership, Transformation". A unique feature of this Handbook is  its strong practice-oriented focus: apart from the results of research and field projects, it will contain a wide range of papers exemplifying the diversity of approaches to climate change management taking place all over the world.

In addition, the book will describe grassroots projects and innovative initiatives happening in Africa, Asia, Europe,  Latin America and the Pacific region, documenting and promoting the diversity of works taking place today.

The appraisal of present and future challenges and opportunities, framed within a context of climate change policy and management, makes  this interdisciplinary publication a practical and profitable tool for teaching, research and policy development.

Topics include (but are not limited to) the following big-picture themes, whose scope may overlap:

* Field-tested research approaches to climate change management
* Case studies and grassroots examples of innovative local adaptation practice
* Climate change impact management in different demographic contexts (e.g., small-holder farmers, pastoralists, urban and peri-urban populations, etc.)
* Barriers and limits to climate change management
* Research, risk reduction and resilience: Early warning and anticipatory adaptation and management approaches
* Replicable examples of best practice cases that may be scaled
* Using technology to disseminate information and/or build social movements
* Incentivising and implementing strategies to better cope with extreme weather and climate events
* Disciplinary, inter-disciplinary, trans-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches
* Leveraging research and leadership for policy development and regulatory change
* Integrated approaches to climate change management that are field-tested and practice-approved
* Climate change management, displacement and human migration
* Capacity building: Multi-stakeholder coalitions, alliances and participatory approaches
* Place, culture, indigeneity, worldview, identity: Climate change management and indigenous communities
* Climate change and biodiversity
* Others (please consult the editors if you have additional ideas)

Comprising works by scholars, professionals and practitioners from around the globe, the "Handbook of Climate Change Management: Research, Leadership,  Transformation" is envisaged as a ground-breaking interdisciplinary publication on climate change management that identifies innovative management methods and tools that are field-tested and practice-approved. It will be published as part of Springer Nature's "Climate Change Management Series", the world's leading peer-reviewed book series on matters related to climate change  https://www.springer.com/series/8740 . It draws from the experiences and success with the "Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation" https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783642386695 and the "Handbook of Climate Change Resilience", which will be launched soon, https://www.springer.com/la/book/9783319933351.

Expressions of interest to contribute to the Handbook, initially consisting of a 200-word abstract, with the title of the work, qualifications and the full contact details of the authors, should be sent to Dr. Johannes Luetz at: jluetz@chc.edu.au . Details on the online submission and the peer-review process will be shared with those authors whose abstracts are accepted. The deadline for the submissions of abstracts is 31st July 2019. 

Full papers are due by 30th November 2019. The Handbook is expected to be launched in mid-2020.

The ICCIP Team

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